Cambodia “We will Attack”, Thesis by Pol PotDecember 1992

I would like to introduce here the political monograph that Pol Pot wrote by himself on February 6, 1992, which Kyodo News Agency reported only its existencelast autumn.
He wrote in Khmer on 38 pages of A4-sized paper. And the Phnom Penh government judged it was a genuine article from the handwriting analysis and hisunique expression. Although I cannot deny the possibility of it being a fake, the successive activity and the strong resistance of the Pol Pot Party coincide with this content. In short, he recorded here his thoughts and tactics that can interpret the issues which his party is causing at the moment as; [1] the Vietnamese genocide in every prefecture, [2] the combat in Battambang and Kompong Thom prefectures, and [3] the capture of UNTAC personnel and the shelling to UNTAC buildings in Siem Reap. Besides, his hostility against Vietnamand interpretation of the Paris agreement, SNC, and UNTAC will give an aspect of the general situation in the future.
I tried to put it into Japanese faithfully to a Khmer-Japanese translation but there are many difficult parts with the omission of objects or codenames. The parentheses are annotated by us and some of the repeating parts are eliminated due to the limitation of pages.
Important document [DRAFT]
Confirmation of Our Basic Thought, February 6, 1992